ECW Podcast – Where Do You Listen?
It’s the fifth Tuesday of April, which means we’ve released the podcasts and resources for the month and the production team is prepping for the May podcasts.
One of the things we love about hosting the podcast through Patreon is their app. You can listen directly from their site or app and there’s also the ability to download the audio files directly to your phone if you don’t have Internet access.
Our managing editor revealed that she loves to download the files and listen while she’s driving to research libraries, events, or to visit family. That got us wondering…
Where do you listen to the podcast? At the gym? On the road? On the battlefield? Saturday with a beer (or lemonade)?
Let us know where you’re listening and if you have a favorite topic that we’ve covered!
Check out the archives for the details on our previous 19 podcast episodes and if you’ve not subscribed yet, it’s just $1.99 or $3.99 depending on your enlistment level. Explore more on our podcast page, including a full listing of all the available podcasts.
Stay tuned…we’ve got a Shenandoah Valley battle discussion coming up in May, along with Part 2 of High Tide of the Confederacy at Chancellorsville.
I listen at work. I have my own office and my job doesn’t require me to be 100% mentally ‘there’ so I’m able to listen to podcasts and audiobooks.
I listen to the ECW podcasts either in my car or on my mp3 player.