The June 2019 ECW Newsletter is Now Available

Did you receive your June 2019 Emerging Civil War Newsletter yet? If not, you can read it here. (And don’t forget to subscribe by clicking on the “Join email list” button on the upper-right corner of the page!)
This month’s newsletter is packed to the gills:
- Inspired by an anecdote from Ulysses S. Grant’s train ride to Mt. McGregor in June of 1885, ECW Editor-in-Chief Chris Mackowski spends some time pondering the role of the free press.
- We pose our “10 Questions” to new ECW contributor Robert Lee Hodge.
- We share some details about an upcoming collaboration between ECW and the Douglas MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk, VA, “The Reunion of Blue and Grey Personified” (September 28, 2019).
- The ECW Bookshelf features the latest releases from the Emerging Civil War Audiobook Series.
- We start a new feature, the Speakers Bureau Spotlight, that shines attention on some of the programs our historians are offering through the ECW Speakers Bureau. We kick off the new feature with Dan Welch.
- Plus, lots of cool News & Notes, groovy goings-on at our sister site, Emerging Revolutionary War, and a long list of upcoming presentations.