Hey, Hey, the Gang’s (Almost) All Here

ECWers 2019

Although ECW’s historians are scattered to the four winds, we had a really great showing of folks who came in person to this year’s Symposium!

From left: Chris Mackowski, Chris Kolakowski, Doug Crenshaw, Dwight Hughes, Edward Alexander, Rob Orrison, Terry Rensel, Drew Gruber, Kevin Pawlak, Phill Greenwalt (tall guy in the back!), Dan Welch, Kristen Pawlak, Ryan Quint, Bert Dunkerly, Paige Gibbons Backus, Jon-Erik Gilot, and Sarah Bierle. (Not pictured: Caroline Davis, who was at the Symposium but not present for the photo)

We don’t get together in personal too often as a large group, but when we do, it’s an awful lot of fun. We hope you’ll consider joining us next year so you can be in on the good time, too. (Details are coming Monday morning!)

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