The August 2019 ECW Newsletter is Now Available
Did you get your August ECW newsletter? If not, it came out yesterday. You can read it here.
In this issue:
- Cool details about our new status as a non-profit
- Kevin Pawlak’s new book about the Antietam battlefield
- 10 Questions with Edward Alexander (including some questions about his map-making)
- The new 2019-2020 ECW Speakers Bureau
- A slew of News and Notes about some of your favorite ECW authors
At the top-right of the newsletters is a little teal box that says “Join Email List,” so if you’re not getting the email every month but want to, there’s your chance. If you think you should be getting the newsletter but aren’t, check you spam filter and your junk mail folder; if that still doesn’t work, send us an email at