Week In Review: September 9-15, 2019

This week you’ll find the usual sampling of historical offerings, with highlights for book reviews and several posts reflecting on Civil War connections to Patriot Day (9/11)…

Monday, September 9:

Question of the Week focused on raids in the Western Theater.

Jon-Erik Gilot shared a book review for Lee is Trapped, and Must be Taken: Eleven Fateful Days after Gettysburg: July 4 – 14, 1863

Tuesday, September 10:

Additional resources are available for the ECW Podcast “Rock Star Egos”

Chris Mackowski offered perspective on Ursula Le Guin, Huckleberry Finn, and Civil War Monument Controversies.

Wednesday, September 11:

Chris Mackowski reflected on violent acts against America throughout history.

Sarah Kay Bierle posted about lost shoes at New Market, Budapest, and the World Trade Center.

The 2019 ECW Symposium episodes for C-SPAN will be airing soon.

Thursday, September 12:

Sharing links to one of the popular series on the 1862 Maryland Campaign.

Sarah Kay Bierle posted a historical anecdote about broken harp strings.

Friday, September 13:

Chris Mackowski added a book review for Searching For Stonewall.

ECW Weekender highlighted an upcoming tour to Columbus, Georgia, hosted by Kennesaw State University.

Saturday, September 14:

Saving History Saturday: Civil War ordinance have been discovered in South Carolina and Missouri.

Sunday, September 15:

Kevin Pawlak explored the varying accounts of Stonewall Jackson at Harpers Ferry during the Antietam Campaign.

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