Additional Podcast Resources: “Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment”

Did you listen to last week’s recorded conversation with Chris Mackowski and Emma Murphy about the history of impeachment, reconstruction, and the 17th President of the United States?

(This recording is available to all subscribers at the “NCO Rank” on our Patreon page and you’ll be able to listen or download at your convenience)

Today, we’ve collected some posts from the ECW archives about Reconstruction and a previous interview with Emma Murphy…

A Conversation with Emma Murphy (5 Posts)

Beyond the 13th Amendment: Ending Slavery in the Indian Territory

“He Will Judge Between You and Me”: The 150th Anniversary of the Execution of Henry Wirz

John Wilkes Booth and the Legacy of Reconstruction

Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce: America’s First Black Senators

Traveling South during the first stages of Reconstruction

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