Week In Review: December 30, 2019 – January 5, 2020
Happy 2020! This week’s blog features range from Year in Review to several articles on Stones River, winter camps, winter campaigning, and more.
Word from the “tech side” of ECW admin says that they hope the notifications for new posts, email notifications, and comments sections will be fixed in the coming week. Thanks for bearing with us through this tech fiasco.
Monday, December 30:
Question of the Week looked back at 2019 favorites in the history community.
Year in Review: ECW Symposium
Tuesday, December 31:
Kevin Pawlak wrote about Lieutenant Charles Parsons at the Battle of Stones River.
Year in Review: ECW Podcast
Wednesday, January 1:
Happy New Year from ECW!
Bert Dunkerly wrote about the 44th Mississippi at the Battle of Stones River.
Thursday, January 2:
Sarah Kay Bierle added some 1861-62 winter camp photographs.
The 2019 ECW Symposium is airing on C-SPAN again!
Chris Mackowski added 1863 and 1865 New Years reflections.
Friday, January 3:
Christ Mackowski shared Sam Watkin’s perspective on the Romney Campaign.
ECW Weekender revisited the Emancipation Proclamation Memorial.
Saturday, January 4:
Saving History Saturday: approximately 40 acres of battlefield to be saved at Deep Bottom.
Sunday, January 5:
Here’s what’s new on Brian Schwartz’s blog, Maine at War.