Week In Review: March 2-8, 2020

Who’s excited about more daylight hours? (AKA more time at the battlefields). We hope you are enjoying the weekend, and here’s the regular review of the last week’s content at ECW!

Monday, March 2:

Question of the Week highlighted female soldiers during the Civil War.

Chris Kolakowski posted about Wisconsin’s King Veterans Home.

Tuesday, March 3:

Chris Kolakowski added more about the Buckner Graves and his research.

Additional Podcast Resources are available for “Ulysses S. Grant: In Memory & Memoir”

Chris Mackowski hosted a Book Chat with David Silkenet about Raising The White Flag.

Wednesday, March 4:

Symposium Spotlight: Sean Michael Chick will be presenting about General P.G.T. Beauregard at the 2020 Symposium in August.

Here’s what’s new from Brian Swartz and Maine at War.

Thursday, March 5:

Kevin Pawlak compared the Boston Massacre’s casualties and Dangerfield Newby at Harpers Ferry in 1859.

Friday, March 6:

Phill Greenwalt reviewed Megan Kate Nelson’s new book, The Three Cornered War.

ECW Weekender spotlighted the Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office (and free admission in March!)

Saturday, March 7:

Saving History Saturday: An old flag gets a new preservation story in New York!


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