ECW’s July 2020 Newsletter Now Available

History TrailThe July 2020 ECW newsletter hit inboxes today. In this month’s issue:

  • Chris Mackowski takes a run in the woods to cool off
  • Phill Greenwalt returns from the 18th century to answers 10 Questions
  • Our historians offer some socially distanced News & Notes
  • We recommend some new Emerging Civil War Series audiobooks

And more!


Don’t forget to subscribe by clicking the big blue button at the top of our newsletter that says “Join Our Email List.” We’d love to keep in contact with you that way! (If you think you should’ve gotten the newsletter but didn’t, please check your spam filer and junk mail folder to be sure we didn’t get misdirected!)

While you’re at it, don’t forget to follow ECW on Facebook, Instagram (@Emergingcwblog), and YouTube. Please share and like our pages!

3 Responses to ECW’s July 2020 Newsletter Now Available

  1. I have tried to stop receiving “Emerging Civil War” by way of WordPress. Any other way?

  2. Chris, it’s really nice to see Chancellorsville get some love. Good for you, for doing some physical activity out on the battlefield! I’ve been running circles around the city of Fredericksburg myself. Lets train to run in the “10K Run Thru History” on the Spotsylvania Court House Battlefield this October . I’d love to see Phill Greenwalt work on a publication about Floridians at Fredericksburg. They had a much rougher time than the Mississippians on Barksdale’s flanks along the Rappahannock River. Fredericksburg seems to get a lot of visitors from Florida. Outstanding newsletter….thank you for all of the content and updates!

  3. Chris… For people like myself who are not the least bit interested in subscribing to Audible or Kindle, is it possible to buy the ECW audio books on CD? I like to pop in audio book disks of Civil War history when I’m driving long distances to help make efficient use of my time while traveling. So far, I have been unable to locate buying “hard copies” of the ECW audio books as a option. Thanks for any information you can provide.

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