ECW Welcomes David T. Dixon

Meet the newest ECW member!

David T. Dixon earned his M.A. in history from the University of Massachusetts in 2003. His first book, The Lost Gettysburg Address, told the unusual life story of Texas slaveholder Charles Anderson, brother of Maj. Robert Anderson of Ft. Sumter fame.

David spoke at Gettysburg National Military Park’s Sacred Trust Talks, appeared on Civil War Talk Radio and has presented to more than sixty Civil War Round Tables from coast to coast. He hosts B-List History, a website that features obscure characters and their compelling stories at

David’s current book, published by the University of Tennessee Press, is the biography of German revolutionary and Union General August Willich. His current research project is a biography that highlights the role of emotions in Southern allegiance in the Civil War.

7 Responses to ECW Welcomes David T. Dixon

  1. Huzzah!! California is creeping eastward–heh heh heh. Welcome to ECW & looking forward to years of history!

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