Week In Review: December 13-20, 2020
Lots of preservation news this week on the blog, more perspective on monuments, a burning raid on the Baltimore-Ohio Railroad, book dicussions, and more!
Sunday, December 13:
In the evening, Chris Heisey posted a photo of the Sgt. Kirkland monument in the snow.
Monday, December 14:
Question of the Week tackled those books on your holiday wish list.
Kevin Pawlak reviewed the new book A Volunteer in the Regulars: The Civil War Journal and Memoir of Gilbert Thompson, US Engineer Battalion.
There are some great book deals at Southern Illinois University Press!
Tuesday, December 15:
Chris Mackowski shared perspective on monuments and the history (or lack thereof) written on the accompanying plaques.
Jon-Erik Gilot posted Part 1 and Part 2 of the Burning of the Fish Creek Spans During the Jones-Imboden Raid on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Wednesday, December 16:
Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about the aftermath of Fredericksburg and disillusioned Union soldiers.
Big news! Adams County Historical Society to Build New Exhibit and Education Center
Thursday, December 17:
Chris Mackowski shared about the history of preserving one of the most famous towns in America: Gettysburg
Phill Greenwalt shared a tale from the tombstone of Phillip Cook.
A new preservation opportunity at Cold Harbor and Gaines Mill has been described as “Absolutely Incomparable”. Check out the details in Chris Mackowski’s new interview with fellow historians and preservationists!
Friday, December 18:
ECW Weekender: Looking for some virtual programing for Civil War Christmas? Here are a few links to get started.
Chris Mackowski wrote about “A Forlorn Hope” at Vicksburg.
Three new podcasts feature stories and updates about new Civil War preservation efforts.
Saturday, December 19:
ECW welcomes Jon Tracey!
Jon Tracey shared research about “who was first at Gettysburg?”
Sunday, December 20:
This morning Meg Groeling’s Weekly Whitman featured a Christmas Greeting.