Week In Review: March 15-21, 2021

Gettysburg, Reconstruction, Sheridan, Jane Corbin, Patrick Cleburne, and more… Lots of new topics and posts on the ECW blog this week!

Monday, March 15:

Question of the Week highlighted Civil War photographs.

Doug Crenshaw reviewed Kill Jeff Davis: The Union Raid on Richmond, 1864.

For Women’s History Month, here’s a special series about exploring Gettysburg with Sue Boardman (part one).

Tuesday, March 16:

Patrick Young shared about reconstructing American womanhood during the Civil War and post-war years.

Patrick Cleburne posts hiding in the ECW archive “emerge” for the general’s birthday.

Part 2 of exploring Gettysburg with Sue Boardman.

Wednesday, March 17:

Symposium Spotlight: Learn about A.P. Hill as a fallen leader at the 2021 ECW Symposium.

Sarah Kay Bierle posted about John Kelly and the St. Patrick’s Day “surprise” at his ford on the Rappahannock River.

Part 3 of exploring Gettysburg with Sue Boardman.

Thursday, March 18:

Nathan Provost shared a defense of General Sheridan.

Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about Jane Corbin’s short life.

Part 4 of exploring Gettysburg with Sue Boardman.

Friday, March 19:

Sarah Kay Bierle posted “General Franklin’s Prophecy” about army leadership.

ECW Weekender: save the date for Civil War Week at the National Museum of the U.S. Army.

Saturday, March 20:

Saving History Saturday: Save the date (or register your site) for Park Day!

Sunday, March 21: 

Meg Groeling posted “Beat! Beat! Drums” for the Weekly Whitman series.

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