Week In Review: April 5-11, 2021
Battle of Shiloh anniversary, taking a closer look at different places “on the eve of war,” new (free podcast), and more to explore from this last week on the ECW blog…
Monday, April 5:
Question of the Week spotlighting conflicts at state borders.
Guest author Sherrita Bitikofer shared about the journey of research.
On The Eve Of War: Buffalo, New York (Kevin Pawlak)
Tuesday, April 6:
Sean Michael Chick posted about Stephen Hurlbut’s quest for redemption.
On The Eve Of War: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Bert Dunkerly)
Kevin Pawlak shared about Beauregard at the Battle of Shiloh.
Wednesday, April 7:
Symposium Spotlight: Fitz John Porter is one of the fallen leaders to be discussed in August 2021.
Chris Heisey posted a sunrise photo from Shiloh battlefield.
A new episode of the ECW Podcast features a conversation with Greg Mertz about his career and experiences at Gettysburg, Shiloh, and Fredericksburg-Spotsylvania National Military Parks.
Thursday, April 8:
Check out one of the newest ECW books and “go to sea” with Dwight Hughes to take a new look at the clash of ironclads.
On The Eve Of War: The Commonwealth of Kentucky (Chris Kolakowski)
Check out what’s new on the Maine at War blog with Brian Swartz.
Guest author Carson Butler shared his research about Arkansas’s Role during the Vicksburg Campaign (Part 1).
Friday, April 9:
On The Eve Of War: Appomattox, Virginia (Sarah Kay Bierle)
ECW Weekender: Part 1 of exploring Williamsport, Maryland.
Guest author Carson Butler shared his research about Arkansas’s Role during the Vicksburg Campaign (Part 2).
Saturday, April 10:
Saving History Saturday highlighted the preservation of an 1861 flag.
Jon Tracey posted about the experience of the 130th Pennsylvania at Antietam.
Sunday, April 11:
Weekly Whitman: Meg Groeling shared the poem “Old Ireland.”