Week In Review: May 24-31, 2021
Welcome to the review of a very full week on the blog! Lots of history, anniversaries, book reviews, podcast, and reopening of the symposium tickets…
Monday, May 24:
Question of the Week focused on events that brought the reality of conflict to the Civil War.
Ryan Quint wrote about the field hospital on Marye’s Heights in 1864.
Introducing a new series: Recruiting The Regiment.
Tuesday, May 25:
Recruiting The Regiment: David T. Dixon shared about the formation of the 9th Ohio Regiment.
Jon-Erik Gilot reviewed the book, Cincinnati in the Civil War.
There a new, free episode of the ECW Podcast! Chris Mackowski and Nathan Provost discuss the Overland Campaign.
Wednesday, May 26:
Recruiting The Regiment: Sean Michael Chick wrote about the Confederate Guards Response Battalion.
Dwight Hughes shared about an old stove and the ironclads.
Sarah Kay Bierle posted about General Benjamin Butler’s correspondence mentioning the enslaved men, women, and children who were self-emancipating and seeking refuge.
Thursday, May 27:
Bert Dunkerly revisited the neglected southern portion of Antietam battlefield.
Recruiting The Regiment: Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about the 12th New York Militia and Francis C. Barlow’s enlistment.
The ECW May Newsletter is available… Check your inbox or read it online.
Kevin Pawlak reviewed Fighting Means Killing: Civil War Soldiers and the Nature of Combat
Friday, May 28:
As restrictions lift in Virginia, 2021 ECW Symposium Ticket sales reopen!
ECW Weekender: Chris Kolakowski shared some resources to explore Fortress Monroe virtually.
Jon Tracey’s presentation about John Rankin and the 27th Indiana goes live on C-SPAN3.
Edward Alexander posted about the preservation set-back at Haw’s Shop.
Saturday, May 29:
Saving History Saturday: Guest author Matthew Chilton shared about a stolen and recovered marker at Antietam battlefield.
Recruiting The Regiment: Chris Kolakowski shared about the 14th Brooklyn.
Kristen Pawlak wrote about a Missouri soldier visiting Shiloh Battlefield in June 1862.
Sunday, May 30:
This morning Chris Mackowski posted about LBJ’s Gettysburg Address.