Maine at War: July 2021
Here’s what Maine at War was up to in July:
July 7, 2021: What good are Union monuments at Gettysburg (part 3)?
In this time of competing voices concerning the past, anecdotal evidence suggests that this summer some parents are introducing their children to American history — and to their American heritage.

July 14, 2021: Death surrounded the nurses at Gettysburg, part 1
Born and raised in Maine, middle-aged Philadelphian Emily Bliss Souder left her husband and home to help care for the wounded at Gettysburg. The observant Souder recorded her experiences and the sights, sounds, and smells in letters sent to family and friends.
July 21, 2021: Death surrounded the nurses at Gettysburg, part 2
Hard work wore out the nurses and other medical personnel caring for Getttysburg’s wounded, but Philadelphia nurse Emily Bliss Souder remained on the job until Letterman Hospital started receiving patients.
July 28, 2021: Andersonville POW got the ol’ heave-ho at sea
A farmer from northern Maine, Pvt. Doane Baker was captured at Mechanicsville, Va. on May 31, 1864. Confederates sent him to Andersonville prison and then to Charleston, S.C. Paroled and shipped north on a hospital transport, landlubber Baker met his fate at sea.