December 2021 ECW newsletter now available
Did Santa bring you a December 2021 Emerging Civil War newsletter this year? He sent them out today.
Our newsletter’s cover photo, courtesy of Sarah Kay Bierle, comes from Wreaths Across America at Winchester National Cemetery. Our thanks to Sarah and Jon Tracey for representing ECW at the event (read about their adventure here).
In the December 2021 issue of the ECW newsletter:
- COVID for Christmas
- ECW heads to the Steel City
- An ECW trifecta in Gettysburg Magazine
- News and Notes that include travels to the Shenandoah Valley; Colonial Williamsburg; central Tennessee; Erie, PA; and Burma
- A new book about the battle of Fredericksburg
- 10 Questions with Book Review Editor Steve Davis
- A reminder that early bird tickets for the 2022 symposium are only available for a few more days
- and more!
If you’re not a subscriber, you can read the December 2021 newsletter here. However, if you want to ensure you get all the latest from ECW, we recommend that you sign up to get our email every month. Just follow the link, and at the top of the newsletter will be a blue button that says “Join our email list.” (If you think you should be getting it but aren’t, check your junk mail folder and be sure to authorize us as “not junk.”)
While you’re at it, don’t forget to follow ECW on Facebook, Instagram (@Emergingcwblog), and YouTube. Please share and like our pages.
Early bird tickets are $200 each now through December 31. After the start of the year, tickets are $225 each and can be purchased through our Symposium page.
(And, you can read more about the wonderful Wreaths Across America project here, if you’re interested in learning more or getting involved.)
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