Year in Review: ECW’s Social Media

2021 was quite the year. Still in the throngs of a global pandemic, it was a lot of ups and downs. From staying home, to slowly starting to get out and traveling again. From everything being put online for readers to learn virtually, to people getting screen fatigue and shutting the computer screen and putting the phones down. Through it all, we hope that Emerging Civil War has been there through social media to help historians share their passion for history to you all as members and followers.

Throughout the year, our focus has been providing you all more content through a variety of different content from blog posts, travel images, news, and more through several avenues including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. One of the ways that we were able to accomplish this was to grow our social media team from one to three so that we can make sure that you all don’t miss anything! One of the pleasures of working with Emerging Civil War’s social media is how much we get to see you all engage with the content. Some of our most engaging posts included travel images on Instagram, including our most liked post about Wisconsin flag bearers at Shiloh, as well as news about Emerging Civil War on Facebook. The two most engaged posts included celebrating Emerging Civil War’s 10th Anniversary and announcing Gary Adleman as the Keynote for next year’s symposium. (Do you have your tickets yet?)

Throughout the year, our readers have become more engaged, and we love being able to see everyone’s questions, comments, and conversations for it shows that you all have a passion for history and Emerging Civil Was well. From 2020 into 2021 each of our channels have grown by over 500 followers and we can’t wait to see how our followers will grow as we enter 2022 and continue to build upon our social media content. If you don’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to see all the great content from ECW’s historians and more!

Facebook: Emerging Civil War

Twitter: @EmergingCWBlog

Instagram: EmergingCWBlog

YouTube: Emerging Civil War

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