Week In Review: January 24-30, 2022
Here’s the Week in Review and don’t miss the previews of the new books in the ECW Series!
Monday, January 24:
Question of the Week spotlighted West Point Classes.
Part 5 of The Romney Expedition series looks at the claim of a Union victory.
Part 6 and Conclusion of Sarah Kay Bierle’s series on the Romney Expedition.
Tuesday, January 25:
Kevin Pawlak wrote about the responses of West Point graduates to the Civil War.
Brian Swartz shared about a fallen leader, Hiram Burnham.
The January 2022 ECW Newsletter is now available!
Wednesday, January 26:
Symposium Spotlight: Here’s the plan for the “What If” Round Table discussion panel at the 2022 ECW Symposium this August.
David T. Dixon reviewed Radical Relationships.
Previewing a new book in the ECW Series: They Came Only To Die, The Battle of Nashville
Thursday, January 27:
Patrick Young from The Reconstruction Blog shared about distorted echoes of the Reconstruction.
Previewing a new book in the ECW Series: Force of a Cyclone, The Battle of Stones River
Friday, January 28:
Sheritta Bitikofer posted Part 1 of her research on the voyage of the Clotilda.
ECW Weekender: Sarah Kay Bierle took a hike at Fredericksburg through the “waterlogged marsh.”
Previewing a new book in the ECW Series: Never Such a Campaign, The Battle of Second Manassas.
Saturday, January 29:
Saving History Saturday: Virginia might be getting a new state battlefield park!
Sheritta Bitikofer posted Part 2 of her research on the voyage of the Clotilda.
Sunday, January 30:
This morning Steve Davis posted a photo of Grant on the cover of a WWII German propaganda magazine.