Week In Review: August 7-14, 2022

More “What Ifs” and lots of anniversary posts for the battle of Cedar Mountain this week are a few of the blog post features. Check out what new this past week!

Sunday, August 7:

In the evening, ECW announced that the 2022 Award for Service in Civil War Public History goes to the American Battlefield Trust.

Monday, August 8:

Question of the Week focused on your favorite “What Ifs.”

What If…USCT Led The Attack at the Battle of the Crater (Steward Henderson)

ECW announced that Kent Masterson Brown’s Meade at Gettysburg receives the 2022 Book Award.

Tuesday, August 9: 

Guest author Doug Ullman Jr. shared about a soldier from the 102nd New York at the battle of Cedar Mountain.

Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about Captain Edward Abbott’s death at the battle of Cedar Mountain.

Check out the new ECW Podcast Episode — Cedar Mountain with Mike Block.

Wednesday, August 10:

Symposium Spotlight: Notes and photos from the 2022 ECW Symposium!

What If…George Thomas Had Marched Through Snake Creek Gap? (Steve Davis)

Brian Swartz posted what’s new on his Maine at War blog this summer.

Thursday, August 11:

Meg Groeling reviewed Decisions at Perryville: The Twenty-Two Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle.

What If…Bull Run was fought with experienced armies? (Sarah Kay Bierle)

Friday, August 12:

What If…General Lee wore blue? (JoAnna M. McDonald)

ECW Weekender: History at Sunset returns to FredSpot National Battlefields!

ECW announces that mapmaker Edward Alexander receives the Stevenson Award for Service.

Saturday, August 13:

Saving History Saturday highlighted some new artifacts donated at Wilson Creek battlefield.

What If…Civil War movie epics weren’t filmed? (Sarah Kay Bierle)

Sunday, August 14:

What If...there were some videos on ECW’s YouTube page?

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