Year in Review 2022: New Books

Looking back at the newest additions to the “emerging” books that were published and added to the shelves this year! Congratulations to all the authors and editors.

In the Emerging Civil War Series:

The Carnage was Fearful: The Battle of Cedar Mountain by Michael Block

Dreams of Victory: P. G. T. Beauregard in the Civil War by Sean Michael Chick

Six Miles from Charleston, Five Minutes to Hell: The Battle of Secessionville by James Morgan

In the Emerging Civil War 10th Anniversary Series:

Grant vs. Lee, edited by Chris Mackowski and Dan Welch

Civil War Monuments and Memory, edited by Jon Tracey and Chris Mackowski

In the Emerging Revolutionary War Series:

Unhappy Catastrophes: The American Revolution in Central New Jersey by Robert M. Dunkerly


The Great “What Ifs” of the American Civil War, edited by Chris Mackowski and Brian Matthew Jordan

Do you have a favorite from the 2022 publication list?

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