Year in Review 2022: Echoes of Reconstruction
ECW is pleased to have a partnership with Patrick Young, author of The Reconstruction Era blog. Reconstruction was the unfinished work of the Civil War, and one can’t fully understand the war itself without looking at its aftermath. Of course, that poses challenges to historians because the memory of the war and Reconstruction remain contested and often stirs controversy. Patrick never shrinks from this task, and we’re proud to share work.
Here’s a look at this past year’s “Echoes of Reconstruction” by Patrick Young:
January: MLK on How the Dunning School Distorted the Echoes of Reconstruction
February: Black History Month and the Erasure of Black History
March: (Patrick had the month off)
April: President Grant Reorganized the White House As Soon As He Took Office
May: Grant’s Bicentennial and His Changing Assessment
June: The Spread of Juneteenth Celebrations Throughout Texas
July: Jubal Early, Stonewall Jackson, and the Enduring Lost Cause
August: Excellent Recent Books on Reconstruction
September: Confederate Jubal Early Explains the Cause of the Civil War (part one)
September: Confederate Jubal Early Explains the Cause of the Civil War (part two)
October: Grant’s Suspension of Habeas Corpus in Parts of South Carolina to Fight Klan in 1871
November: Losing the “Lost Cause” in Historical Revisionism
December: Free Exhibit Tells the Story of Black Soldiers in the Civil War
Wow, thanks very much.