Symposium Spotlight: Cecily Nelson Zander

Welcome back to a new installment of our 2023 Emerging Civil War Symposium Spotlight as we continue announcing the speaker list! This week we feature ECW Chief Historian, Cecily Nelson Zander.

Zander grew up in northern Colorado, where she spent her childhood visiting army forts and historic sites across the American West. She attended the University of Virginia, graduating with Highest Distinction in 2015. She then made her way north from Charlottesville to Happy Valley, where she spent six years completing a master’s degree (2017) and PhD (2021) at the Pennsylvania State University. Since 2021, she has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University, where she has completed the manuscript for her first book Republican and Regulars: Anti-Army Politics in the Civil War Era (under contract with Louisiana State University Press).

When she is not writing or thinking about the Civil War, she can be found cheering on her favorite sports teams, watching classic movies, listening to Lyle Lovett, or walking with Moe the Border Collie.

Have you purchased your 2023 Emerging Civil War Symposium tickets yet? If not, get registered today by clicking here.

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