Symposium Spotlight: Jon Tracey
Welcome back to a new installment of our 2023 Emerging Civil War Symposium Spotlight as we continue announcing the speaker list! This week we feature ECW member and editor, Jon Tracey.
Jon Tracey is a public historian focused on soldier experience, medical care, memory, and veteran life in the Civil War era. He holds a BA in History from Gettysburg College with minors in Public History and Civil War Era Studies and an MA from West Virginia University in Public History with a Certificate in Cultural Resource Management. Jon has worked extensively preserving and interpreting historic sites, including with the National Park Service. Most of his recent research focuses on either the complex topic of historical memory of the Civil War or Camp Letterman General Hospital, the largest hospital in the aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg. He is currently a Historian/Cultural Resource Program Manager and manages the ECW Editorial Board that reviews guest post submissions.
Have you purchased your 2023 Emerging Civil War Symposium tickets yet? If not, get registered today by clicking here.
Jon, I look forward to hearing & meeting you in August. What is your topic?
Kevin, I can’t give that away just yet! We’ll be announcing topics on the blog as we get closer.