Question of the Week: 7/10-7/16/23

An old-favorite that we haven’t asked for a while…

Which battlefield did you visit first?

27 Responses to Question of the Week: 7/10-7/16/23

  1. Manassas Battlefield Park. It was in our backyard at a home my family had inherited at Buckland and had been an old mill (which I can well remember) on the banks of the creek called Kinsley Mill. My younger brother lives there today.

    1. Hi Harry,
      I am researching and writing about Buckland Races. Does your family still own the mill house and do you have any additional information about Buckland? I can be contacted directly at bdkowell@ Thanks. Brian

  2. Since I grew up in Baltimore, when I was about 5 or 6, (many, many years ago) my mother, my older sister and her son piled into my sister’s car and traveled up to Gettysburg. We visited the original book store/visitor center and just across the street was a cannon, and with my sister’s son, Johnny, and I climbed onto it and with a old Brownie camera, a grainy photo was taken. That visit started my life long fascination with this American tragedy and especially the events surrounding the battle of Gettysburg.

  3. Antietam, quickly followed by Harpers Ferry and Gettysburg all during the same trip.

  4. Dad drove me in pre interstate days from New Jersey to Gettysburg, where we stayed at a Howard Johnson’s demolished long ago. Can still remember the warm smell of the wet grass on the field. We took a bus tour and saw the Electric Map. I always will remember that trip!

  5. Gettysburg was the closest to where I grew up, so probably that one. But I know I also visited Ft Necessity while young too. So those two.

  6. Best as I can remember, it was Yorktown. As to the Civil War, I think, THINK, it was Petersburg.

  7. It was Gettysburg…and we’ve gone back twice since…….so much to see and learn!

  8. New Market, Virginia. Lived in Illinois and the family had close friends that lived there. People were living in the Bushong House at the time and we also visited them. I remember riding a horse on Shirley Hill, also. This was just after WW2.

  9. Gettysburg, in summer of 1960, I was 13 years old. Could not get enough of Devils Den, climbing on the boulders. Since then, I have been there many times. In 1997 on July the 3rd at 4:00, I stood at the Angle, thinking about it sends chills.

  10. As some historians/enthusiasts recently discussed on an Addressing Gettysburg video, Gettysburg was indeed my “gateway drug to the Civil War.”

  11. Gettysburg, circa summer 1989, before the movie led the public to “discover” the 20th Maine monument …

  12. Gettysburg and it was life-changing. My son had read Shelby Foote’s trilogy and was educating us on our four hour drive from NJ. That was years ago, and I have to admit that I prefer the old museum/visitors’ center.

    1. The old museum/visitor center was much better. Especially the light bulb theater showing the battlefield in blue and gray lights, and the two bullets that meshed together in the air.

  13. Was driven every school day across the Battle of Plains Store, Port Hudson, and the Battle of Baton Rouge battlefields. Port Hudson would be the first battlefield park I went to.

  14. Gettysburg in the early ’50s. Father was a member of a deer camp located in the mountains outside of Shippensburg. We vacationed there in the summer. One day he packed us all in the old Chrysler and took us to Gettysburg. It rained all day, and I could not get out of the car to see the monuments.We lived on a farm near Hershey about 45 minnutes from the battlefield, and once I got my driver’s license, I drove there repeatedly to see it alone and with friends. I new live in Vermont and try to make an annual pilgrimage. I was last there in April of this year.

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