Not battlefields per se, but I visited Fort Ward in Alexandria and Fort Lincoln at Point Lookout (plus the prison-camp mock-up) for the first time. Interesting places!
Not Civil War but visited Saratoga for the first time. They could use more interpretive signs with maps. I found it hard to keep oriented to where I was on the field.
This April I visited Port Hudson for the first time. My wife and I were on a Mississippi River cruise. Due to a problem with the dock in Baton Rouge and then a thunderstorm, our tour to Port Hudson was cut short. We only had time to see the visitor center. I need to get back to see the actual battlefield.
I visited several for this first time this past month – Chancellorsville and Bristoe in Virginia as part of the ECW Symposium; parts of Richmond National Battlefield Park; and Culloden Battlefield in Scotland. Lots of history this month!
Not a Civil War site. I visited the Battle of the Thames site October 5, 1813. Lots of interpretive panels. It’s a small site in rural Ontario Canada.
Can’t say that I have.
Fort Necessity Battle Field.
Re-visited the Normandy Invasion Beaches, and the Ardennes.
Not battlefields per se, but I visited Fort Ward in Alexandria and Fort Lincoln at Point Lookout (plus the prison-camp mock-up) for the first time. Interesting places!
Actually I did three for the first time. Chantilly, Bristoe Station, and first day Chancellorsville (I had been on the NPS park several times).
Not Civil War but visited Saratoga for the first time. They could use more interpretive signs with maps. I found it hard to keep oriented to where I was on the field.
This April I visited Port Hudson for the first time. My wife and I were on a Mississippi River cruise. Due to a problem with the dock in Baton Rouge and then a thunderstorm, our tour to Port Hudson was cut short. We only had time to see the visitor center. I need to get back to see the actual battlefield.
Dang… you were so close. The earthworks that remain are quite impressive.
Hope you make it back!
I visited several for this first time this past month – Chancellorsville and Bristoe in Virginia as part of the ECW Symposium; parts of Richmond National Battlefield Park; and Culloden Battlefield in Scotland. Lots of history this month!
Not Civil War, but I visited Fallen Timbers earlier this month. It was very well interpreted and preserved.