Question of the Week: 8/28-9/3/23

In your opinion, who’s the most underrated commander in the Second Manassas Campaign? Why?

4 Responses to Question of the Week: 8/28-9/3/23

  1. Jesse Reno. He handles IX Corps competently, and brings it off the field in good order after the debacle on August 30. It is no coincidence his corps is part of the security force at Chantilly.

  2. I sometimes think Longstreet’s reputation as an offensive commander suffers in comparison to the more flamboyant if erratic Jackson. In addition, he could push his men forward on an approach march when he had to. He took the time to position his men at Second Manassas, and timed his stroke to near perfection. Had Jackson moved his men forward with anything of a sense of urgency, the magnitude of the Union defeat, and the course of the subsequent Maryland Campaign, would have been significantly different.

  3. Not sure how far down the term “commander” extends, but some words should be said on behalf of Nathaniel McLean, commander of the “Ohio brigade” (25th, 55th, 73rd, 75th Ohio) which stood alone in the face of Longstreet’s 20,000+ man attack.Not many commanders at any rank receive the accolade “Saved the entire Union army with his gutsy stand.”

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