Upcoming Presentations: September–October 2023
The fall roundtable season is about to kick off, and ECW speakers are hitting the road in force. Here’s a look at the upcoming presentations in September and October. You can check out our full speakers’ schedule here. To request a speaker, check out our ECW speakers bureau.
5: Max Longley, “North Carolina’s Civil War Union governors, Marble Nash Taylor and Edward Stanly, “Brunswick, NC CWRT
8: Jon-Erik Gilot & Kevin Pawlak, John Brown’s Raid, CWRT Congress Book Talk (virtual)
9: Neil P. Chatelain, “Defending the Arteries of Rebellion,” Civil War Round Table of Central Louisiana (virtual)
10: Derek Maxfield, “Man of Fire, Dan Sickles CWRT (virtual)
12: Bert Dunkerly, “The Brown’s Island Explosion and the Search for the Victims,” Southern MD Civil War Round Table
12: Chris Mackowski, “Moments of Contingency and the Rise of Grant,” First Defenders Civil War Roundtable, Reading, PA
13: Dwight Hughes, “The Naval Civil War in Theaters Near and Far,” Naval Order of the United States Monthly History Presentation (virtual)
13: Derek Maxfield, “Man of Fire,” Dundee Public Library, Dundee, NY
14: Meg Groeling, “First Fallen: The Story of Col. Elmer Ellsworth,” The Civil War Center Roundtable (virtual) 3:00 p.m. PST
16-20: Dave Powell, book signings for the 160th battle anniversary, Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park
19: Brian Jordan, “A Thousand May Fall: An Immigrant Regiment’s Civil War,” Scottsdale (AZ) Civil War Roundtable
20: Derek Maxfield, “Man of Fire,” West Seneca Historical Society, West Seneca, NY
21: Neil P. Chatelain, “Tactical Confederate Naval Evacuations of Military Forces: Two Case Studies in Joint Cooperation,” 2023 McMullen Naval History Symposium, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
21: Jon-Erik Gilot, Kevin Pawlak, “John Brown’s Raid,” The American Civil War Museum (virtual)
21: Dwight Hughes, “The Naval Civil War in Theaters Near and Far,” McMullen Naval History Symposium, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
21: Chris Mackowski and Frank Scaturro, “Grant at 200,” National Museum of the U.S. Army (virtual)
28: Chris Mackowski, “Stonewall Jackson at Gettysburg,” Buffalo (NY) Civil War Round Table
1: Derek Maxfield, “Man of Fire,” Town of West Sparta, West Sparta, NY
3: Dwight Hughes, “The Naval Civil War in Theaters Near and Far,” Brunswick Civil War Roundtable, Southport, NC
6: Chris Mackowski, “The ANV’s B Team: Robert E. Lee’s Second String in the Overland Campaign,” The Art of Command Conference, Middleburg, Virginia
7: Chris Mackowski and Kris White, Chancellorsville bus tour, Central Virginia Battlefields Trust Annual Conference (tickets available)
7: Kris White: “What if Stonewall Jackson had not been shot?” Keynote address, Central Virginia Battlefields Trust Annual Conference
10: Derek Maxfield, “Hellmira,” Roanoke, VA CWRT
11: Derek Maxfield, “Hellmira,” Lynchburg, VA, CWRT
12: Chris Mackowski and Frank Scaturro, “Grant at 200,” White House Historical Association (virtual)
12: Derek Maxfield, “Hellmira,” American Civil War Museum at Appomattox, VA
12: Dave Powell, “Longstreet’s Breakthrough at Chickamauga,” Puget Sound CWRT, Seattle, WA
14: Jon-Erik Gilot, “John Brown’s Raid,” 2nd Saturday Civil War Series, Carnegie, PA
18: Chris Mackowski, “Grant’s Last Battle,” Holland Land Office Museum, Batavia, NY
20: Chris Kolakowski, “Douglas MacArthur as Military Leader,” National Museum of the US Army
21: Derek Maxfield as Gen. John Martindale, Historic Batavia Cemetery, Batavia, NY
26: Jon-Erik Gilot, “Dangerfield Newby’s Fight for Freedom,” Hagerstown, CWRT, Hagerstown, MD
26: Chris Mackowski, Old Colony Civil War Roundtable
27: Neil P. Chatelain, “Leveraging Digitized Archives for the Classroom,” Texas Council for Social Studies Conference, Houston, TX