Question of the Week: What is your favorite unit mascot?

What is your favorite animal that served as a unit mascot in the Civil War?

12 Responses to Question of the Week: What is your favorite unit mascot?

  1. How’s this for a weird mascot: New Years Day 1865, the CSS Shenandoah was crossing the Indian Ocean when she stopped at the remote island of St. Paul. Sailors went ashore and brought back a penguin. His “aquatic fowlship…had the bray of an ass, was covered by gray down, and walked with military erectness. Someone pinned a rag around its neck resembling a shawl, which amused them all.”

    1. Dang Dwight, you beat me to the punch! I was going to say the Shenandoah penguin as well!

  2. Sallie Ann Jarrett, the brindle terrier of the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry who served with my great great grandfather and his father.

    1. i think i read somewhere that Sallie had several litters of pups while serving in 11th PA.

      1. Hi I thought someone would nominate Sallie. She died around Dabney’s Mill around 1pm on Feb 6, 1865, during day 2 of the battle of Hatcher’s Run. Edward Alexander wrote a neat article about Sallie here on ECW in 2015 for the 150th anniversary certainly worth checking out.
        2 books have been written about Sallie, none on the battle! And even less known about Sallie’s 2 handlers who also died in the same hail of bullets. May be Kenneth William’s (with the descendants, knows more about them?) There8s also a good article in Bates Penn in the civil war volumes.

  3. On the Confederate side, I’m gonna go with ‘Old Douglas’ the camel, which was both a mascot and a pack animal for the 43rd Mississippi.

    On the Union side, it’s the bear of the 12th Wisconsin. A BEAR! I do not know if it had a name given to it, but heck, it was a bear!

    1. A lot of 12th WI veterans put their papers in the Wisconsin Veterans Museum’s collections. We haven’t found a name.

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