ECW Weekender: The Portsmouth (VA) Naval Shipyard Museum

My family was in Portsmouth, VA, for a Kiwanis convention this past weekend (my wife is heavily involved in our local Fredericksburg chapter), and as my  son Maxwell and I went out exploring,  right next to the hotel we found the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum.


It proved a great little find, and at only $3/person, the deal was hard to beat.

The museum tells the extensive 250-year history of the shipyard, from colonial days to the present. For Civil War buffs, there’s a good selection of naval stuff to look at, with a particular emphasis on the CSS Virginia (and its pre-conversion days as the USS Merrimack). 

There’s a small but neat collection of ship models, too, as well as an assortment of naval artillery.

I snapped a few photos of the Civil War displays to give you a taste of the museum’s holdings, but it’s worth a stop in person if you’re in Portsmouth. Plan 30-45 minutes.

Among the artifacts here: the ship’s Bible from the USS Merrimack

Among these artifacts: Capt. French Forrest’s naval cutlass

Models of the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia, plus anchor chain from the USS Cumberland

Armor plating from the CSS Virginia, recovered after the ship was salvaged
With a shout-out to ECW’s friend Brian Steel Wills, cited in the text!

2 Responses to ECW Weekender: The Portsmouth (VA) Naval Shipyard Museum

  1. Portsmouth Naval Hospital has a nice little park attached to it that has some historical markers and artifacts in it. The markers explain some of the evolution of the hospital and other things pertaining to the area. It’s been awhile since I’ve checked it out but I always enjoyed going there.

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