Question of the Week: What’s on your Civil War holiday wish list?

What is on your Civil War-themed holiday wish list this year?

18 Responses to Question of the Week: What’s on your Civil War holiday wish list?

  1. Looking at the Civil War era through the prism of today, I would fervently wish a return to sanity and stop the willful destruction of our hallowed past. This includes the dismantling of the monuments of the Confederate participants of that conflict to the physical disfigurement of the actual battlefields of the war.

    1. I’m working on one of these right now! So far it’s challenging but fun…we’ll see if I still think that 1000 pieces in.

      1. I always say …”They didn’t give me enough pieces” while I’m doing one!

      2. Make it 999…and some obsessive will search his living room floor for years thinking he’s lost one piece…

        Speaking of, why not a jigsaw puzzle of Philippoteaux’s cyclorama? Rectangular instead of square or circular, and it could proceed in strips, like the stripes on the flag.

  2. A successful 2025 for the American Battlefield Trust and the various northern Virginia battlefield organizations in their ongoing fight against data centers, warehouses and solar farms encroaching on Hallowed Ground.

  3. Our ‘Christmas present’ to ourselves will be checking out Vicksburg and New Orleans and some other locales along the Mississippi this coming New Year.

  4. 1. Restore the Confederate monuments to their original sites and put them under Federal protection.

    2. Restore respect for the Confederate Battle Flag.

    1. Absolutely! In fact, after President Trump was elected in 2016 I wrote to him urging this very thing be done immediately upon him taking office. Of course those surrounding him never passed on the letter to his desk. I’m updating the letter and sending it again…

    2. Why honor a society that wanted to enslave other human beings? Plus why ask the victors to honor them?

      Why honor a symbol of racism?

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