2024 Year in Review: The Most-Answered Questions of the Week

One of our favorite traditions here at Emerging Civil War is the Question of the Week every Monday morning. Here are the questions that received the most answers this year:

5. What Civil War theme, event, battle, or person do you like to learn about, study, or research the most?

4. What is your favorite Civil War era themed film or television show?

3. Do you have a direct ancestor who fought in the Civil War? If so, who were they, and how much do you know about their service?

2. With summer upon us, now is a good time for many to visit Civil War battlegrounds. In that spirit, what was the first Civil War battle site that you ever visited?

1. What Civil War book are you currently reading?


What would you like to see featured in our Question of the Week? Drop your ideas in the comments, and you might see it posted one Monday morning in the near future.

7 Responses to 2024 Year in Review: The Most-Answered Questions of the Week

  1. Question: “What would you like to see featured in our Question of the Week?”

    Answer: What was the absolute dumbest order issued during the War?

  2. Medals of Honor during the Civil War were awarded for everything from capturing a Confederate flag to re-enlisting. Which recipient of the Medal of Honor do you think was the most worthy and why?

  3. During the Civil War years military technology emerged. Which military invention do you think had the greatest impact on the outcome of the Civil War and why?

  4. I’d like to see this as a Question of the Week: “Is it true that John Bell Hood was Elvis Presley’s great-granduncle?”

    I have heard this many times but have never seen conclusive genealogical proof. They certainly bear a strong resemblance to each other. A vital issue for American history and culture!

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