Beard-O-Rama: McLaws vs. Stanley
Rounding out our first week of voting, we have Confederate Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws (left) versus Federal Maj. Gen. David Sloan Stanley (right).
Remember, this is a bracket to determine the best Civil War beard, not a popularity contest about who was better. Cast your facial hair vote by typing in the name of the officer with the best beard in the comments section below. Feel free to defend your choice. You can also cast a vote on the ECW Facebook page.
McLaws- well groomed and not skimpy!!
McLaws! Reminds me of Hagrid’s beard! ?
Now that you say it, I can’t not see it! McLaws it is!
McLaws, and he may be a real contender to win it all! Beard melds nicely with his curly hair.
Stanley has my vote.
McLaws, by a hair.
Did he just say that!
Stanley – quite elegant.
McLaws, nice full shape.
McLaws, look like a student at University of Wisconsin 1969.
I think it’s not even a close shave, Lafayette McLaws all the way.
Now this is a real matchup! Two solid contenders, but I prefer the way McLaws has shaped his whiskers.
Agree with John, that this one is a real matchup. Also agree with the Hagrid comparison for McLaws, but his looks too much like Tom Berringer’s beard in Gettysburg. My vote is for STANLEY. Elegant, luxurious. I think if he makes it past this match-up, he will be a strong contender going forward.
McLaws is much better.
Tough one. On one hand you have the fullness of beard with McLaws. On the other you have the length of beard with Stanley. Having your picture done was an event, so both men probably gussied up their facial furriness for their photographs, thus the beards are seen at maximum level of showmanship. For me, hairiness counts. McLaws has more overall hair, almost wolfman-esque. But length of beard counts, too.
I vote Stanley
Because if I were a rank and file private, and these generals had passed me by on their horses, his beard would be the one that flows in the breeze the most.
General McLaws. He looks like his face is peeking out of a halo of hair!!
My vote goes to McLaws. Makes his face as Round as his tummy.
Couldn’t decide, so flipped a coin. Stanley. – V. Tsao
McLaws. Face, hair and beard – all proportional.
McLaws, for fullness.
Stanley, though both sport magnificent face fur. Stanley seems to have been able to grow a fuller, longer beard.
McClaws should have been the model for the first Teddy Bear. Lafay Bear?