Beard-O-Rama: Porter vs. Stanton
Hot air or salty disposition? Today’s match-up gives us U.S. Secretary of War Edwin Stanton (left) versus U.S. Naval officer Admiral David Dixon Porter (right).
Remember, this is a bracket to determine the best Civil War beard, not a popularity contest about who was better. Cast your facial hair vote by typing in the name of the officer with the best beard in the comments section below. Feel free to defend your choice. You can also cast a vote on the ECW Facebook page.
Porter definitely.
Stanton — it’s not pretty, but it gets the job done. You can decide if I mean his beard or his job performance!
Porter all the way, but I wouldn’t want to dine with him if corn-on-the-cob or soup ‘n’ crackers were on the menu!
Admiral Porter- Stanton gets points knocked off for lack of a moustache!!
Porter just looks better. V. Tsao
Porter. Go Navy.
Porter — great beard – hairdo combo
Porter, mostly because I’m not a Stanton fan
Porter of course. Go Navy.
Porter displays well-tended luxuriant face fur. Stanton’s beard looks as pinched as he always seemed to me. Porter it is.
Porter. By a looong shot. Stanton looks like he’s eating a squirrel.
Porter’s beard looks really good, nice and full. Stanton’s looks nasty to go along with his personality.
Stanton. It ain’t pretty, but it’s distinctive.
Got to vote for Porter. Much cleaner look. Less straggly than Stanton’s goatee.
Was gonna go with Stanton, because I liked the gray streak. However, Porter’s is fuller and looks well-maintained, so I vote Porter. Besides, my Dad would never forgive me if I didn’t vote Navy.
Porter; according to the Apple TV docudrama on Lincoln’s assassination, Manhunt, Stanton didn’t have a beard. Since everything on TV is true, the photograph of Stanton has to be a fake
Porter since nobody gets Stanton right
Porter. Do not like Stanton and do not like his beard.
It’s anchors away for David Dixon Porter.
Stanton, but he does look like a disturbed individual.
I gotta go with Edwin, the boy from my hometown who graces our County Court House. His is well-grown, appropriate, and understated. He’s not trying to have the biggest beard, only the best!
David Dixon Porter
Going to go with Admiral Porter because it’s about time the navy got in this game, and something about Stanton’s beard has always creeped me out.
Porter. A full beard like that will never not look good.
Stanton. I see people at the grocery store with beards that like Porter’s! Give me something crazy
Port-er. His beard “left” Stanton in the dudt
Stanton looks like he taped a skunk to his chin. Porter.
Porter – that was too easy.