Showing results for "sarah kay bierle"

ECW Podcast “A Conversation about the Civil War & Pop Culture” Is Now Available

It’s finally here! ECW has been celebrating the Civil War in books, movies, TV shows, and songs. Join Chris Mackowski, Sarah Kay Bierle, and Terry Rensel as they extend the conversation from our newest book and our blog to our podcast. This podcast is available to all ECW Podcast subscribers via Patreon. Not enlisted as a subscriber? […]


Week In Review: February 3-9, 2020

This week wrapped up the Civil War & Pop Culture series and included a few other feature articles. The big news is…the major tech issues ECW has been experiences have been solved and the team is now able to access and finalize fixing the other troubles. We’re finally getting back to normal and able to […]


A Gathering of Minds: ECW Retreat

Just wanted to say thank you to our blog and brand followers. There are so many things we love about researching, writing, and sharing history with you! Yesterday, a bunch of ECW authors gathered in person or called-in with modern technology for a leadership and planning retreat. We didn’t get a photo with everyone, but […]


Week In Review: January 27-February 2, 2020

It’s time for Week in Review again. These weeks seem to fly-by! We’re continuing with our Civil War & Pop Culture series and you’ll also find some intriguing posts about Antietam, Rutherford B. Hayes, and news from the historical community.


Bobby Horton and “The Kennesaw Line”

by Chris Mackowski For my Entertaining History piece on the song “The Kennesaw Line,” I had the pleasure to interview musician Bobby Horton. I’ve interviewed Bobby before, and he’s always a lot of fun to talk with because it’s obvious he’s having so much fun doing what he’s doing. While I excerpted from that interview […]


Week In Review: January 19-26, 2020

It’s been a full week on the ECW blog… Lots of perspective on the Civil War and Pop Culture for our special series along with other historical posts.


Week In Review: January 13-19, 2020

We’re in full swing with the Civil War & Pop Culture series this week, and you’ll find thoughts, history, and musings about movies, fiction books, music, and fine art. There were also some military articles and news from the history community too.


Week In Review: January 6-12, 2020

We’ve completed the first full week of January 2020, and here on the blog, we’ve already announced a new book release and started a new blog series—both focusing the Civil War and Pop Culture. You’ll also find a variety of primary sources, notes on Round Tables, travel ideas to see history, and more…


Week In Review: December 30, 2019 – January 5, 2020

Happy 2020! This week’s blog features range from Year in Review to several articles on Stones River, winter camps, winter campaigning, and more. Word from the “tech side” of ECW admin says that they hope the notifications for new posts, email notifications, and comments sections will be fixed in the coming week. Thanks for bearing […]