Week In Review: December 9-15, 2019
This week was the anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg and you’ll find a few related pieces. There are also a couple of travel posts about finding Civil War history on vacation or on a trip back to a hometown. The holiday season is here, and shopping and history of Santa Claus provide some written cheer and food for thought.
Monday, December 9:
Question of the Week is a chance to share which books are on your holiday wish list.
Kevin Pawlak wrote about the importance of finding original primary sources.
Tuesday, December 10:
Jon-Erik Gilot share adventures from his recent trip to Key West, Florida.
Additional Resources are available for the ECW Podcast “Aftermath of Battle.”
Wednesday, December 11:
Symposium Spotlight: Kevin Pawlak will be speaking at the 2020 ECW Symposium.
Meg Groeling added a post about Santa Claus and the Union.
Thursday, December 12:
Terry Rensel shared about finding history in his hometown during a holiday visit.
Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about Stonewall Jackson’s march to Fredericksburg and his declaration at the top of New Market Gap.
Chris Mackowski added a sketch of Fredericksburg in 1862.
Friday, December 13:
Sarah Kay Bierle posted an account of the destruction in Fredericksburg as recounted by Thomas Galway.
ECW Weekender spotlighted upcoming anniversary events hosted by the National Park Service in Fredericksburg.
Saturday, December 14:
Saving History Saturday features American Battlefield Trust’s Year in Review video.
Sunday, December 15:
This morning Meg Groeling wrote about the dilemma of shopping for her grandson and making a discovery about flags and plastic soldier sets.