Special Announcement: Keynote Speaker for Second Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium

We are pleased to announce our Keynote Speaker for the Second Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium, Dana B. Shoaf. As the Symposium will focus on Civil War Legacies, Dana will present “Give Them the Cold Steel (or Not): A Military and Cultural History of the Bayonet.” One place that the bayonet was used most notoriously was at Spotsylvania’s “Bloody Angle” on May 12, 1864. Stevenson Ridge, where the Symposium will be held, sits on the northern part of the battlefield. “This is sure to give the story extra poignant resonance” said Chris Mackowski, editor-in-chief of Emerging Civil War.
Dana is the editor of Civil War Times magazine, the world’s longest running and largest circulation magazine on the conflict, which can trace its roots back the late 1950s. In his role as editor, Dana has been successful in using the magazine as a conduit to disseminate academic research to a popular audience. This aspect can be seen in Dana’s presentation.
Prior to the Civil War, bayonets were used freely as an important part of combat. But it’s use in the Civil War was far more limited because of changes in technology. When it was used the fighting was up close and personal-about as bad as fighting gets.
Soldiers also found other uses for the bayonet other than on the battlefield though, and after the war bayonets were also forged into other uses important in the rebuilding process. As a weapon of war, the bayonet continued to evolve.
Dana also serves on the Washington Post’s advisory panel for
the 150th commemoration of the Civil War, and has served on the
board for the Save Historic Antietam Foundation, as an advisor to the
Maryland Civil War Trails program and the advisory board of the National Civil War
Museum in Harrisburg, Pa. He lives in a early 19th century house
near Middletown, MD, and literally found a Civil War musket barrel in his
To register for the Symposium, please contact emergingcivilwar@gmail.com
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