ECW Welcomes Kevin Pawlak

Pawlak, Kevin

ECW readers are well familiar with the great guest posts of Kevin Pawlak. We’re pleased to announce that he’s coming aboard as a regular ECW contributor!

“The Civil War has fascinated me since I was nine years old,” Kevin says. “I still really can’t say what hooked me into it, but there’s not a second, minute, hour, or day that goes by when I’m not thinking about some part of it. Maybe it’s that the Civil War is our great national tragedy and the beginning of the modern United States. Or, perhaps it’s the mountains of seemingly never-ending sources that always turn up some new story, fact, or interpretation of events.”

He says that’s ultimately what brought him to ECW. “Partnering with others and sharing those sources is what being a historian is all about,” he explains, “and ECW is a great, collaborative effort pointing the field in that direction while helping the general public grasp and understand those same stories.”

Kevin works as a Licensed Battlefield Guide at Antietam National Battlefield and as an Education Specialist for the Mosby Heritage Area Association. He also sits on the Board of Directors of the Shepherdstown Battlefield Preservation Association.

Previously, Kevin has worked and completed internships at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, The Papers of Abraham Lincoln at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, and the Missouri Civil War Museum. He graduated in 2014 from Shepherd University, where he studied Civil War History and Historic Preservation.

Kevin is the author of Shepherdstown in the Civil War: One Vast Confederate Hospital, published by The History Press in 2015. In his free time, Kevin is always outside, hiking or training for his next marathon.

Read some of Kevin’s past posts:

Congress Considers Expanding Antietam NB to Include Shepherdstown

“The General Result Was In Our Favor”: The Army of Potomac’s Victory at Antietam

“On Many a Bloody Field”: The Forgotten Story of Daniel Davidson Bidwell

It’s Smarter to Be Lucky: Finding Gun No. 2

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