Huzzah for Our Friend, Ted Alexander

Once more, congratulations to ECW’s friend Ted Alexander, the recipient of this year’s inaugural Emerging Civil War Award for Civil War Public History. Earlier this month, Ted hosted a big retirement party following a 30+-year career with the National Park Service, most notably at Antietam National Battlefield. He’s also been an instrumental part of the Chambersburg Civil War Seminar.

While we initially announced the award at the Symposium in August, ECW’s Kevin Pawlak was on hand at Ted’s retirement party to formally present him with the Civil War Public History Award.

Kevin Pawlak (left) presents the ECW Award for Civil War Public History to Ted Alexander (right). (photo courtesy Scott Anderson)

For more on Ted’s extraordinary career, check out Chris Mackowski’s five-part interview with Ted that ECW ran back in February.

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