ECW Week in Review Sept. 17-23
Things remain busy here at Emerging Civil War as we close in on October. This past week, our authors continued two of our ongoing series and we had a major announcement regarding next year’s Symposium. You may click on the links below to read each post.
Kevin Pawlak continued his series, “Voices of the Maryland Campaign”. You may catch up on the entire series here. He also reviewed a new book on Gettysburg.
Speaking of new books, Eric J. Wittenberg has released his latest narrative on the closing days of the war in North Carolina. It is a milestone at number 20!
Ryan Quint continued our observance of Mexican War and his series on Dranesville.
We also announced that our keynote speaker for the Fifth Annual Civil War Symposium will be Scott Hartwig. You may take advantage of our Early Bird Special for the Symposium by registering here.
Meg Groeling shared a post on the daughter of the Secretary of the Treasury, Kate Chase.
Chris Mackowski posted about a recent visit to Charlottesville. He also shared an interesting and personal post on Ulysses S. Grant.
Dan Davis observed the 153d Anniversary of Third Winchester with a post on a reliable and overshadowed Union cavalryman, John McIntosh.
We also announced a preservation victory at Chancellorsville.