Join Us Tomorrow for Day Two of Our Fredericksburg Facebook LIVE Event
Hopefully you were able to join us earlier today for our special Facebook LIVE event with the Civil War Trust and the National Park Service from Fredericksburg National Battlefield. On our adventures, we climbed into the steeple of the Fredericksburg Baptist Church–a limited-access opportunity that was a first for our entire team of historians. (Check out some of our photos below and the Facebook LIVE episode on the Trust’s Facebook page.)
Tomorrow—Wednesday, December 13—is the 155th anniversary of the battle, and we have a full-line of events for the second day of our special commemoration. We hope you’ll tune in to the Civil War Trust’s Facebook page to join us.
We’ll kick things off at 10:00 a.m. with a walk across the Slaughter Pen Farm—the scene not only where Union forces broke through the Confederate line but also the scene of one of the Civil War Trust’s biggest preservation success stories.
Late in the morning, we’ll visit Prospect Hill and the “Meade” Pyramid. In the afternoon, we’ll take a stroll down the Sunken Road and climb Marye’s Heights. We’ll finish the day in the City/Confederate Cemetery downtown, where we’ll wrap up the campaign and talk about the cost of battle.
We’re eager to hear from you, so if you have questions about the campaign, the battle, the leaders, or the legacy of Fredericksburg, let us know.
Our thanks today to Dennis Sacrey of the Fredericksburg Baptist Church, who provided us with “backstage” access to the steeple for a view of the city that was amazing.
Here is shell damage that crashed through the church roof and into the brick chimney, followed by a close-up of the damaged bricks:
Historian Don Pfanz peers out one of the slatted windows, with the church bell in the foreground:
A view of Chatham on the far side of the river from the steeple:
Fredericksburg Baptist Church is decked out beautifully for Christmas:
Sooo…is the shell/ball still in the chimney column ? Very excited to see this photo. I had heard about damage to the church from tour guides, but never seen the evidence shown here. Cool.
We didn’t see any shell in the chimney–just the hole it left. But it was still wicked cool!
Thanks for the reply Chris.