The Best of 2011 (Daniel Davis)
Happy New Year!
To celebrate 2012, we thought we’d take a look back at 2011 (we are, after all, historians!). We’ve asked our writers to share their favorite Civil War-related memories from the previous year. Over the next few days, we’ll share those memories with you–so, please join us for this walk down Memory Lane.
First off, Daniel Davis:
I have a few memories for this past year. As always, chasing down sites related to George Custer’s Civil War experiences, whether it be in Pennslyvania, Maryland or Virginia.
One of my former colleagues from Appomattox and I went to the 150th Manassas re-enactment. The thing that I remember the most was the heat and waiting in line for the buses to take us back to the parking lot. That bottle of Gatorade I had when I got back to my car was the best one ever.
Most importantly, though, has been the blog. It has given me an opportunity to write on and engage others on a subject I have a great passion for. For that, I thank Chris and Kris.