Buyer Beware: A word of caution about an unscrupulous publisher

C-villeBookCoverIf you’re looking for a good battlefield companion for Chancellorsville during this week’s sesquicentennial, we encourage you to take a look at Chancellorsville: Crossroads of Fire by our own Chris Mackowski. However, we also urge you to buy these books only at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park, where your money goes to directly support the park and its mission.

Please be aware that this publisher, Thomas Publications, withholds royalties from its authors and engages in other unethical business practices. Therefore, we urge you to protect authors’ intellectual property rights and avoid purchasing any titles from Thomas Publications unless you buy them directly from Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park, where a portion of the proceeds will at least go to support the park’s efforts.

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