Remembering Gettysburg

ECW co-founder Kris White at a book signing Saturday at the Gettysburg wax museum

Many of us had the chance to visit Gettysburg over the past week to observe and/or participate in activities related to the Sesquicentennial commemoration. It was a chance to add more unforgettable experiences to a long line of other memories folks have accrued over many years of visiting the battlefield.

With the 150th now in our back pockets, we’ve invited the staff of ECW to reflect back on their own personal memories of the battlefield. We’ll kick off a week-long series on Monday evening, with a new entry from one of our authors each day this week.

ECW co-founder Chris Mackowski with interviewer Larry Kaspar during a TV appearance on the Pennsylvania Cable Network on July 1
ECW co-founder Chris Mackowski during a TV appearance on the Pennsylvania Cable Network on July 1
Kris White (right) with PCN's Larry Kaspar and fellow guest Prof. Brian Jordan of Gettysburg College
Kris White (right) with PCN’s Larry Kaspar and fellow guest Prof. Brian Jordan of Gettysburg College

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