Question of the Week: 5/9-5/15/2016
What are your thoughts on the “proposed” fee increase at Gettysburg National Military Park? (Increases to museum/Cyclorama admission, the David Wills House, Eisenhower National Historic Site, and Licensed Battlefield Guide Tours.) Click here for more information.
That’s a lot of money they are talking about, given the number of visitors at Gettysburg. It’s “whatever the traffic will bear” I suppose. Is the intent to pay off the Museum that much quicker? Will the money collected at Gettysburg stay at Gettysburg? I love the part where they will try to keep your information private, but won’t guarantee it.
Not a fan. Gettysburg is losing touch with the park mission.
Totally agree. They will say the park is still free, but if you can’t get any orientation how do you intelligently see the free park.