The Year in Review 2016: ECW’s Most-Read Posts of All Time
We’ve been counting down the most-read posts written in 2016. Before we get to #1, though, here’s a look at our most-read posts of all time:
10. “Telling History vs. Making Art: Killer Angels, real and fictional” by Chris Mackowski, posted on October 30, 2012 (part of a ten-part series, “Telling History vs. Making Art“)
9. “Drawing the War, Part 5: Thomas Nast”by Meg Groeling, posted on July 9, 2012, 2015 (part of a six-part series, “Drawing the War“)
8. “Jackson’s Arm and the Occupy Movement” by Meg Groeling, posted on Jan. 17, 2012
7. “War Chicken” by Meg Groeling, posted on February 20, 2012
6. “I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day…” by Meg Groeling, posted on Dec. 13, 2011
5. The Emerging Civil War Series (our list of upcoming presentations and our blogroll also get a lot of visits)
4. “Some General Thoughts on Major General George A. Custer” by Daniel T. Davis, posted on Aug. 22, 2011
3. “Civil War Nurses Series: Interesting Facts about Northern Nurses” by Virginia Benson, posted on September 3, 2013
2.“‘Hellmira’—a Place of “Terrible Memory,” Nearly Forgotten” by Chris Mackowski, posted on October 14, 2011
1. “African-Americans in the Civil War (Part 1)” by Steward Henderson, posted Nov. 17, 2011 (part 2 of the series is our twelfth-most read post of all time)