The Wilderness in Snapshots
To commemorate the anniversary of the battle of the Wilderness, we asked for some help from our friend Joe Lafleur. Joe is a volunteer with the Friends of the Wilderness Battlefield, and he’s always out and about on the field, all year ’round. During his explorations, he often shares with us photos of some of the cool things he finds. For this year’s anniversary, we asked Joe to share some of his favorite Wilderness photos that he’s taken over the past year.
And perhaps the most curious photo of all, which might offer some clues as to how Jackson really lost his arm…
Thanks, Joe!
I have to argue with the last photo–those cutters are far too modern for the mid-1800s. Rubber grips didn’t become common until much later. LOL??
Rats! I should have made that one B & W.
I think the original caption was : General Jackson prefers things tidy before the Anniversary.
Joe is quite the artist.
Is that Rocket in the tree?!? Defender of the Galaxy and the Union!!!