Question of the Week: 8/28-9/3
If you could choose a historical person from the Civil War era to honor with a new monument or memorial, who would you nominate? Why? What history would the monument or memorial teach in a positive and educational way?
My nominee is not who, but whom, to nominate. Monuments to the 100,000’s of thousands of self-liberated individuals who made the Union victory possible are long over due. The deliberate erasure of the contribution of the self-liberated from the Civil War narrative has skewed the historical narrative. Personally, I have no objection to the memorial to Confederate soldiers in front of our courthouse, in Murfreesboro TN. The cohort of Rutherford Co. volunteers was virtually exterminated. The contemporary memorial is appropriate. What we have now, however, is the sound of one hand clapping. An equally impressive memorial to the thousands of self-liberated individuals, without whose contribution, the Stones River, Tullahoma, Atlanta Campaigns & The March to the Sea would have been impossible, would set the record straight. It is about time we memorialize the winners, as well as the loosers, of that war.
Lincoln. I think in this environment we could use more reminders of him and his words.
George “The Rock” Thomas. Honoring the choice he made as a Virginian to honor his commitment to the United States, West Point and the Union.
I think George Thomas is a great suggestion. Thanks for the reminder.
A new monument to the many drummer boys who marched off to a man’s war. Their service is far too often overlooked. Other wars in other countries have memorialized their drummers.
– Michael Aubrecht
I would like to see more monuments to the animals–the horses and mules who moved the men and the armies. They did not take sides, nor did they choose to serve. They only did what they were asked to do, many times to their deaths. They deserve some mention, and if we are going to try to get more kids interested in the War, animals are a proven hook.
The War Horse Memorial in front of the VA Historical Society in Richmond, Va.
“In memory of the one and one half million horses and mules of the Confederate and Union armies who were killed, were wounded or died from disease in the Civil War.”
I mentioned that particular monument in Aftermath of Battle. It is inspiring!
We talk of new monuments? When we see and allow the old ones so beautiful and precious to be torn down . Why put up new make believe ones lets find a way to save what we have now . So odd when it seems 99 to 1 in favor of letting them stand yet they fall.
One that commemorates the suffering many prisoners on both sides endured.
I would love to see more attention paid to the common soldiers, the grunts that only made $13/mo and seldom got the benefit of a furlough. Just having finished “Company Aytch” by Samuel Watkins, my heart goes out to those that sacrificed so much. They weren’t doing it for the protection of slavery, they were just there. Maybe they signed up for 12 months and having endured that were notified that their service was changed to “for the duration of the war”. I could not imagine being away from home for 3 or 4 years, seeing your friends and neighbors die from bullets or worse, disease. The current argument regarding statues ignores the bravery and sacrifice that these men put forth for their friends and their country. These men deserve much more glory than we have given them.
Sadly, this seems unlikely to occur, as even veteran monuments are being removed, and in spite of some here in New Orleans claiming only generals would be coming down.
Montgomery Meigs & Herman Haupt to recognize major factors in ultimate Federal victory, dominant logistics & transportation.
Excellent suggestion!
I did a whole series on this subject. I vote for Oscar J. Dunn:
That said, I think it would be good to honor Confederates for their postbellum work, much like Lee’s statue at Washington and Lee University. To that end, a statue to Beauregard for his work as civil engineer and political reformer would b good, but unlikely in our bitter climate.
In no particular order:
A. Frederick Townsend Ward
B. Just about anyone from the US Navy
C. The Polish patriots who rebelled against Czarist domination, 1863-64
Jonathan Letterman for advances in modern military medicine. I think this gallant officer is majorly under-appreciated.
Now THIS is a great suggestion!