Facebook LIVE for the 155th Anniversary of Stonewall Jackson’s Death
Don’t forget, we wrap up our 155th anniversary commemoration of the battle of Chancellorsville with the American Battlefield Trust today. Join us throughout the day for a series of Facebook LIVE events as we trace the last days of Stonewall Jackson, from the burial of his arm at Ellwood to his death at Guiney Station. Join ECW, the Trust, the National Park Service, and Friends of Wilderness Battlefield for a full day.
And we have several other surprises to sprinkle throughout the day, too, so you won’t want to miss it. Follow along at the Trust’s Facebook page or on ECW’s Facebook page. Even if you’re not a member of Facebook, you can still watch.
(And, yes, if you haven’t heard the news yet, the Civil War Trust is now the American Battlefield Trust.)
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