Facebook LIVE from Vicksburg, Today through Thursday!
We’re hitting Facebook LIVE again this week, this time from the banks of the Father of All Rivers. Yep—ECW is heading to Vicksburg, Mississippi, to broadcast live!
Emerging Civil War is pleased to once again partner with the American Battlefield Trust and the National Park Service for two and a half days of programs that highlight Grant’s overland campaign through central Mississippi to the outskirts of the “Gibraltar of the South.”
ECW co-founder and Trust Education Manager Kris White will emcee, with ECW’s Chris Mackowski as co-host. Also joining us will be historians Timothy B. Smith, Susan McCaa, and Parker Hills, NPS historians Scott Babinowich and Terry Winschel, and others.
For more details, read the letter Kris sent to Trust supporters yesterday:
Dear Friends,
You have been asking us for a while, and we have been promising. Now, it’s official. We are heading into the Western Theater of the Civil War for our next series of Facebook Live broadcasts. What better place to visit than Vicksburg National Military Park? Both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis viewed Vicksburg, Mississippi, as the key to controlling the vital Mississippi River.
Join the American Battlefield Trust as we bring you, virtually, to one of the epochal military efforts of the Civil War—the Vicksburg Campaign. During these live, virtual events, you can “visit” hard-to-reach, iconic sites with leading experts on the campaign. We will be in Champion Hill, Jackson, Raymond, Grand Gulf, and many other places bringing history, commentary, and fun right to your computer or mobile device. You will even get to take a look at some of the land you have helped to save.
The full schedule of events is listed here.
Head over to the American Battlefield Trust’s Facebook page to keep up with the action, May 15-17. While you are there, check out our recent Live broadcasts by clicking on the video tab.
This is just our first venture to the Western Theater this year and the latest in our Facebook Live series. We owe a great deal of thanks to our partners: Vicksburg National Military Park, Battle Focus, Grand Gulf Military Park, and Emerging Civil War.
To learn more about this pivotal campaign, our Vicksburg Animated Map brings the history to life with army movements and battle re-enactments. If you are looking to virtually explore the battlefield, our free Vicksburg Battle App will guide you to key sites, from Port Gibson to the Siege of Vicksburg. Download it today to access historian videos, audio accounts of soldiers from the battle, photos, orders of battle, chronologies and key facts.
See you on the battlefield!
Kristopher White
Education Manager, American Battlefield TrustP.S. Starting Tuesday, join us live on Facebook as we take you to Mississippi and visit many of the locations tied to the campaign and siege of Vicksburg.