When I got out of the car at the Windsor ruins, I was awed by what I saw: the skeletonal remains of an opulent plantation house accidentally destroyed by fire after the war.
We decided to do a quick, impromptu Facebook LIVE shoot from the site of ruins because we all just thought they were so cool.
Twenty-three columns remain standing, each 45 feet tall. Wrought iron balcony fencing still connects columns along the former front of the building, and each column is topped by additional ornamental ironwork.
This sketch of the former plantation house shows how palatial it was.There’s no truth to the rumor that Sherman and his men burned the house (a la the ’64 March to the Sea). It burned after the war when a guest, after lighting a cigarette, threw his match in a wastepaper basket in the kitchen.Historic photos of the Windsor ruins are on display at the museum at Grand Gulf
1 Response to Scenes from Vicksburg, Day 2 (part two)
Facinating place. It rained there when I visited. What about those wide canyons to the east of the mansion? What caused such sharp drops full of vines and trees? It was bazaar!
Facinating place. It rained there when I visited. What about those wide canyons to the east of the mansion? What caused such sharp drops full of vines and trees? It was bazaar!
Robert Groeling